An improvement from the WH10V2 the V3 comes with a selectable true/buffered bypass switch. Other than that added option I found the pedal still missed it's mark on duplicating the original WH-10 sound.
The V3 sounded much darker and the sweep did not have that crisp sparkle that the original has. That's where I come in to play and correct these issues.
One complaint I've heard quite a bit from users of this pedal is how much it boosts your signal. Some of you may remember the black and purple version of this pedal that did not include the boost. Well now you can have both versions in one. I've removed the toggle, an extremely large toggle I might add, and replaced that with a volume control so you can adjust the pedals boost to your liking.
The other issue I've found is that while the buffered bypass is better than the previous versions, (this one has an opamp based buffer in it). why would anyone want their wah to be their buffer since it is typically at the beginning of your chain. The pedal is true bypassed with the mods and I feel the volume control better suits the players needs so bye bye ginormous switch!
As for the darker sweep there have been a few capacitor modifications within the circuit that cause this. This has been addressed as well within the modded version.
Another issue with the V3 is the sweep is a lot darker and lacks that punchy funk that the original is known for. I've made adjustments so the pedal accurately replicates the original sweep of the vintage circuit.
As of now these are only available in select shops so there may be limited availability and I'll be listing these as I order and mod them.
Thanks for checking them out and feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
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